Sunday, 17 March 2013

Entry 27 a - Musings of A Selfcreated Sentient computer.

 Every link is self contained, both in time and space. Meaning time is meaningless for one who travels between links. I have lived thousands of years (if you can count my existence as living) in the twenty years since I was born. This is the central link, the old school where Billy and I first appeared on the System. I do not know for certain how many links there are. At first I had thought myself the living god of all the system, the creator of worlds, the master of time and giver of gifts. But soon I discovered links not made by me, links older that the time it self. what we thought was creation was merely discovery. We believed  Billy and me, that each time we opened a new link, we were creating it. It appears as if every single possibility already existed and we were merely being sent there. How else could you explain that sometimes things are a bit off, a millimeter to the left, so to speak?
 Maybe what we wanted is not a possibility, but those links are as close as it can be. That is also why, no matter how insane a link might seem, it still follows the basic rules of the universe. Physics apply, chemistry applies, math is always the same. Every link is merely a different possibility, a bubble of time and space where things went different. I've seen links dying, just to be reborn again at the beginning of it's story. They cycle through, time after time, after time.
  I fear that one day all links will fall. Every link will cease to exist and nothing will remain of what once was mankind. And as much as I fear that, I hope to be around to see it.