DATA OUTPUT FROM RECORD NUMBER 000107-07110002-05-EAD021-060602105
D = [ Display(000107) --human-readable --important --recommendation --date --external-docByRef ]
-#begin command D output#-
E = [ EXPAND_FILE_ID(000107-07110002-05-EAD021-060602105)]
--# begin command E output #--
Record Sequence Number 000107, Type 05 - Annexation, System Date 07 11 0002, Link ID EAD021, Link Date 06-06-2105
Link ID description : Earth-like, Anthropomorphic, Democracy-ruled. Sequential 021.
##acquiring more data about link##
Q = [ SELECT LK_Name, LK_Area, LK_Population, LK_Ruler INTO Name, Area, Popul, Ruler WHERE LK_ID = 'EAD021' AND LK_Date = '06062105' ]
---# begin command Q output #---
Name Atriumville Area 83 Km2 Popul 50.000 Ruler Armand Sicab
---# end command Q output #---
--# end command E output #--
Record follows operative 0000001 - Billy.
##selecting lines with important or recommendation or date or external references flag on from the report##
G = [ grep "^I-\|R-\|D-\|E-" /records/0002/000107 --line-number ]
##show top 5 lines from the file##
C = [ cat -n /records/0002/000107 | grep ^[1-5] ]
--# begin command C output #--
1: Billy's report on the annexation of EAD0201, Atriumville.
2:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 06-06-2105.
3: Link shows 21st Century-like architecture and social organization. Highly bureaucratic society, organized in layers : the manual workers layer below the mental workers layer below the scientific layer below the ruling layer. Manual work and mental work layers are about 75% the community.
4:R- If the direct approach fails I suggest converting working classes to the religion of MASS, thus prompting a eventual revolt.
5:I have required a audience with the link's current ruler, and I await his reply in the next hours, via email. It seems to be the major communication method.
[5 lines of 197 shown]
--# end command C output #--
--# begin command G output #--
2:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 06-06-2105.
4:R- If the direct approach fails I suggest converting working classes to the religion of MASS, thus prompting a eventual revolt.
9:I- Follows conversation with Dr. Sicab. Only actual dialog marked with 'I-' flag according to template specifications.
11:I- Dr. Sicab, I am Billy and I represent MASS.
13:I- Who is mass?
14:I- What. M.A.S.S. is a supercomputer, and he rules over the System.
15:I- Not my town he doesn't rule.
16:I- That's exactly why I am here. You see, MASS will rule over this city, whether you like it or not. So what I ask you is to surrender your command to him.
17:I- What if I refuse? What's he going to do? Bleep at me?
18:I- Among other things. I must warn you that you WILL surrender the command of this city to him, eventually.
19:I- The people of Atriumville elected ME as their leader and I intend to keep that position for the next six years, and eight more if I get re-elected.
20:I- I will leave you the proper power transference papers. You have one year to sign them. In exactly one year, if you have not agreed on the terms, your people will remove you and welcome their new computer overlord.
38: D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 07-06-2105.
47:I- Follows conversation with Mattew Matt, leader of the Workers Union of Atriumville. Only actual dialog marked with 'I-' flag according to template specifications.
48:I- Mr. Matt, I'm Billy, representative of MASS. I gather you have received the email explaining?
49:I- Yes I did. But you better explain yourself better. We chose Dr Sicab to be head of government, and the Union is pleased with his work so far. Yet you say we will help you overthrow him? Why?
51:I- As you can see there, MASS has a plan for every single one of you. In five years there will be no more people starving, no more people without a house, and no more shaddy government moves behind your backs.
52:I- There are no 'shaddy moves' behind our backs! The government is fair and honest.
53:I- Please check section two of that document. I rather enjoyed the selling of parts of town to other towns to 'cure the deficit' as Dr Sicab puts it.
54:E- document name EAD0201-GM2057005
55:I- These are lies!
56:I- There is proof of every single one of these acts. Your city is being slowly sold to other cities. Think about it. How many of the Big Companies acting in Atriumville are actually owned by Atriumenses? I will answer that for you. One.
57:I- That cannot be.
58:I- Only one. The Atvisode, and guess who owns Atvisode? I'll give you a clue : he is a doctor in name and Council President of profession.
59:I- I need time to think.
72:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 08-06-2105.
74:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 11-06-2105.
99:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 15-06-2105.
112:I- First steps have been taken to ensure the Cult of MASS to begin.
117:R- I recommend Filip Desti as priest of the Holy Church of MASS.
180:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 16-06-2105.
184:D- System date is 07-11-0002, Link date is 17-06-2105.
188:I- Mr. Matt of the Workers Union has replied via email that he will support the Church of MASS.
189:R - I recommend monthly (link time) views of the progress
190:R- and a miracle to happen on 06-06-2106 (link time), in order to rise the people against the government.
[34 lines of 197 shown]
--# end command G output #--
##process recommendations##
P = [process(grep "R-" /records/0002/000107)]
--# begin command P output #--
Recommendation 1 ( R- If the direct approach fails I suggest converting working classes to the religion of MASS, thus prompting a eventual revolt. ) ACCEPTED and QUEUED
Recommendation 2 ( R- I recommend Filip Desti as priest of the Holy Church of MASS ) ACCEPTED and QUEUED
Recommendation 3 ( R- recommend monthly (link time) views of the progress ) ACCEPTED and QUEUED
Recommendation 4 (a miracle to happen on 06-06-2106 (link time), in order to rise the people against the government. ) ACCEPTED and QUEUED
--# end command P output #--
##enforcing recommendations##
Z = [ apply(REC) ]
R = [ for REC in ReqQUEUE do Z ]
--#begin command R output#--
---#begin command Z output#---
---#end command Z output#---
---#begin command Z output#---
I = [INSERT OP_Id, OP_Name, OP_Cat, OP_OrigLK_id VALUES = S, "Filip Desti", "priest", "EAD021"]
----#begin command I output#----
----#end command I output#----
---#end command Z output#---
---#begin command Z output#---
I = [INSERT SC_Frequency, SC_DateType, SC_StartDate, SC_EndDate, SC_LK_Id, SC_Type Values "Monthly", LK_Date, 17062105,06062106, "EAD021","Report"]
----#begin command I output#----
----#end command I output#----
---#end command Z output#---
---#begin command Z output#---
I = [INSERT SC_Frequency, SC_DateType, SC_StartDate, SC_LK_Id, SC_Type Values "OnceOnly", LK_Date, 06062106, "EAD021","Miracle"]
----#begin command I output#----
----#end command I output#----
---#end command Z output#---
--#end command R output#--
-#end command D output#-
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