The necromancer smiled as the waves of skeletons and other undead swarmed the castle.
His victory was sure now, nothing could stop his hordes, no matter how strong their heroes or how advanced their technology. The machine gun was a scary instrument of death, spitting lethal projectiles at an astonishing rate and would mow down a army of living human beings in minutes. But his army wasn't alive in the first place. Sure, some of the skeletons and zombies might get destroyed by the projectiles but most wouldn't even flinch after getting hit. And the ghosts were, well, intangible. Bullets will just pass through them. Of course, intangible soldiers might seem like a stupid idea, not being able to use weapons or even punch enemies. But ghosts could do one thing: scare people to death. And that they did.
The war elephants seemed like a problem at first. Blindfolded tons of fury running into the field and stomping and crushing his hordes. Soon however, the necromancer realized there were only a few of those, and he had sent a few of his most intelligent minions to deal with them. If you knew what you were doing it wasn't hard to stop an elephant: slice his legs until he topples and then, either kill it or leave it there, incapacitated and wreaking havoc.
Now, the walls of the city were about to fall, most of the machine guns had already been dealt with, by overwhelming superior numbers alone. And each enemy that fell was a new soldier on his army. All was going great and he allowed himself a moment of near relaxation, lowering his guard for a few seconds so he could taste the screams of his victims. Not that he was a particularly sadistic person, but those screams of pain and defeat tasted, on his mouth, like victory. And what he packed in sadism he more than compensated on ambition. He concentrated once more, blocking all sound from outside.
In those brief seconds one of his companies had been overrun and was now nearly defeated. Zombies required constant guidance else they were too stupid even against the stupidest human alive. He guided the surviving zombies into a tight square, surrounded by enemies on all sides and then, with the humans busy hacking their enemies, he sent another battalion of skeletons to attack then from behind. Skeletons, being animated piles of bones, would never stop to relentlessly follow his orders and his orders were simple: kill, maim, destroy.
Having taken care of that, he focused his minions on the city walls once again. They wouldn't last much longer, as the ghosts were already inside, driving the men to madness. At least a few dozen had already jumped to their deaths from the city wall and soon one would, in an act of desperation, open the city gates. If not, he'd have to interfeer more directly.
Outside the gates, most humans were already dead and the very few that weren't had started to run towards the forest. They wouldn't go far, since skeletons don't let go of their prey unless told to and the necromancer wasn't about to do that, lest some did manage to run and tell the other cities how theirs had fallen.
He kept his watch on the entire battlefield inside his mind, a feat that would have driven mad most people, seeing from a million eyes at the same time, but for him that wasn't all that hard. And, he chuckled thinking, he was already mad. The c city was surrounded and with no escape possible from it. Soon the gates would open and his undead minions would enter it, ravaging all inside. Once that happened, he'd leave his comfortable throne and enter the city at well. Until then he allowed himself to think back to the day he had first gotten his powers...
It had been a rainy summer like no other he remembered in his still short life of twenty years, and he had gone out for mead and wenches, as it was the expected from someone at him: a third son of a noble house. He didn't much care for mead and cared nothing for wenches but his father had beaten him into it ever since he had been 14 and that incident with the stable boy had happened. The boy had been imediatly killed, of course, but he had only been beaten to near death and then locked in his room for almost a year.
When he was allowed back outside, his brother was assigned as his chaperone up until he regained his father's trust. Stubborn as he was, it still took a few years of beatings until he actually began doing something other than talking to the wenches, who would then talk to others and it would reach his father's ears, leading to yey another beating.
It had been the summer and now fall was arriving. Having just left a woman, some farmer's daughter, in her own bed, he was returning home through the forest when he saw the old temple. He had known about it, everyone knew, but he had never seen it. People used to say the temple wasn't really even there, that it was from a time long gone and only showed up on very rare occasions. Intrigued and not wishing to go home and have to tell his father exactly what had happened, he walked into it, through the giant mouth shaped door. Inside it wasn't as dark as he had expected, despite the darkness outside. His lantern went out but somehow he could still see and so he moved on, walking down a long, straight corridor. After a while he reached a room, oval in shape, with an altar on the center of it, and he finally saw the source of the light that had guided him there, a huge fire that burnt behind the altar. As he approached it faint voices started to ring in his ears, too soft and far away for him to understand them, but with each step they became louder until he realized it was a chant, ominous in sound but made of words he didn't recognize. As he stood by the altar, somehow not quivering with fear, he had glimpses of hundreds of dark robed people standing around the chamber but at soon as he turned his head to them, they vanished. Placing a hand on the altar a voice thundered over the chants: "FINALLY!" it said "I HAVE WAITED MILLENNIA FOR SOMEONE FOOL ENOUGH TO ENTER" and then, for the first time, he was scared but his legs wouldn't obey him so he stood there, as the voice, now less thunderous, began talking anew "You shall inherit my powers and my curse. And I will be free!".
From the flames, a skeletal shape walked over to him and a hand stretched out to touch him in the shoulder. He felt it imediatly, the power surging through his body, and, with it, pain. Unbearable pain, countless eons of it, running inside his mind, as if he had been burning alive for ages and ages. And then, another pain. The pain of death, of all the deaths that power had caused. When the pain ended, all that was left of the skeletal shape was a small pile of ashes. The fire it self extinguished and the chanting stopped, with what sounded like relief. And then, he fainted.
When he woke up, he remembered. Not just his life but the life of the Necromancer, a dark wizard from a time far far in the past, before magic had faded from the world, who after nearly conquering the world was stopped at the last minute by a conclave of wizards and kept locked inside the temple, until someone showed up and the Necromancer a could pass his powers and die. And so, he gained powers behind his wildest dreams, the power to raise and control the dead. As he exited the temple he saw that the first was covered in snow, despite it still being early fall as he had stepped inside. Only when he got home did he realized how long it had been: almost three years since he had "disappeared I'm the forest", leaving behind a worried family. In the meanwhile his father had died and his brother inherited the land and the title, becoming lord of the city.
As he was lost in thought, the city gates had fallen and his army of undead marched inside, killing all they found. He rose from his throne and wished himself inside the city, by the castle gates. When the doors opened, to allow the soldiers to run from the ghosts into the sword of the skeletal guard the necromancer had, he waited for the way to be clear and then walked over to his brother who sat, clearly filled with terror, on his throne. Right before the necromancer killed his brother he yelled : "and now you won't ever tell Dad that I like to suck stable boys again!".
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